Monday 14 September 2015

If I won the lottery I'd buy a Ferrari

Seriously guys... What would you do with a real lottery prize these days?

Would you buy a new house? Or would that be an apartment?

Would you prefer a house on the beach? Or in the country?

Would you spend your money travelling around the world?

Would you stop working? Or would you carry on with your job only 3 times a week?

Sooo many options...

See guys, what we talking about are HYPOTHETICAL SITUATIONS, because you have NOT won the lottery yet. Not that I know at least, because if you had, you would hire me as you teacher full time! hahahaha

And when we talk about hypothetical situations we need to observe the following form:


The order doesn't matter much, it depends on the emphasis you want to give to each part of the construction.


What would you do if you won the lottery?

How about your family members? Do you know what they would do with a lottery prize? Why don't you share some of your ideas here?

And also take a look at the following exercise from the wonderful site Perfect English Grammar: